Here is a view of the rear of Vallejo’s present city hall at 734 Marin St. as it appeared before a one-story addition was constructed in 1957 in the space just ahead of the cars parked at the right to provide a drafting room for the public works department. The photo shows the limited amount of off-street parking space available at the building, all of it reserved for city officials and departmental staff cars. Moving city hall offices to the John F. Kennedy Library in the Marina Vista urban renewal area, says City Manager Donald F. McIntyre, not only would provide ample parking facilities but also increase the floor space for city offices from 18.000 to 30,000 square feet.
– Times Herald Publication 06/07/1972

Two houses being moved to create a parking lot behind the former City Hall at 734 Marin Street currently the Vallejo Naval and Historical Museum
– Times Herald Publication 06/07/1972